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Сабоннадьер Ж.-К. (1989) Метод конечных элементов и САПР
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02.07.2011, 17:09
Название: Метод конечных элементов и САПР
Автор: Сабоннадьер Ж.-К.
Издательство: Мир
Год: 1989
Формат: djvu
Язык: Русский
Размер: 1.77 Мб
Качество: среднее

Математика: Список литературы


В книге французских специалистов рассматриваются вопросы применения теории конечных элементов для автоматизации процессов конструирования двумерных и трёхмерных изделий применительно к разным объектам машиностроения и электротехнической промышленности Основное внимание уделяется вычислительным процедурам, реализуемым на ЭВМ. Приведены пакеты прикладных программ.
Для инженеров и студентов, занимающихся методами автоматизированного проектирования и конструирования.



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4. Courant, Hilbert, Methods of mathematical physics, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1953.

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6. Dhatt G., Touzot G., Une presentation de la methode des elements finis, Editions Laloine, 1984.

7. Durand, Resolutions numeriques des equations algebriques, Masson.

8. Finlayson, The method of weighted residual and variational principles, Academic Press, 1972.

9. Gallagher, Introduction a la methode des elements finis, Pluralis, 1976.

10. Gallagher R. H., Finite element analysis: fundamentals, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1975.

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14. Hadamard J., La theorie des equations aux derivees partielles, Editions de Pekin, 1963.

15. Lions, Magenes, Problemes aux limites non homogenes et applications, vol. 1 et 2, Dunod, Paris, 1968.

16. Mikhlin, Variational methods in mathematical physics, Mac Millan, 1964.

17. Morse, Feshbach, Methods of theoretical physics, Me Graw Hill, 1953.

18. Oden, Finite elements of non linear continua.

19. Owen, Hinton, Finite elements in plasticity, Me Graw Hill Pineridge Press.

20. Raviart, Thomas J. M., Introduction а I' analyse numerique des equations aux derivees partielles, Masson, Paris, 1983.

21. Silvester, Ferrari, Finite elements for electrical engineers, Cambridge University Press, 1983.

22. Strang G., Fix O. J., Analysis of the finite elements methods, Prentice Hall, 1973.

23. Stroud H. H., Approximate calculation of multiple integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971.

24. Tchung, Finite elements analysis in fluid dynamics, Me Graw Hill, 1978.

25. Washitzu, Variational methods in elasticity, Pergamon Press, 1975.

26. Zienkiewicz О. К., La methode des elements finis, 3eme edition, Me Graw Hill, 1979.


27. Ancelle, Boillon, Coulomb, Data parametrization in pre-processor for computer aided design of electromagnetic devices, Conf. ENGSOFT 83, Imperial College, London, 1983.

28. Armstrong, Biddlecombe, The PE2D package for transient eddy current analysis, IEEE Trans. MAG, 18, n° 2 (March 1981).

29. Axelsson O., A class of iterative methods for finite element equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 9, 2 (1976).

30. Baer, Eastman, Henrion, Geometric modelling: a survey, Computer Aided Design, II, n° 5 (Sept. 1979).

31. Bernard F., CATIA - du dessin au volume, de la cinematique aux calculs scientifiques, de la commande numerique a la robotique, un outil complet de CFAO pour la mecanique, MICAD 84, Hermes, 1984.

32. Bishop A.W., ROMULUS 2 and its role in CAE, MICAD 84, Hermes, 1984.

33. Cavendish J. C, Automatic triangulation of arbitrary planar domains for the finite element method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 8 (1974).

34. Chopard В., Grosjean A. et al., Conception maillage et usinage de surfaces complexes, au moyen de SYSTRID, MICAD 84, Hermes, 1984.

35. Coulomb J. L., Du Terrail Y. et al., Two 3D parametered mesh generators for the magnetic field computation, IEEE Trans. MAG, 20, n° 5 (Sept. 1984).

36. Draft International Standard ISO/DIS, GKS Functional description ISO TC 97/SC5 WG2, n° 117, 1982.

37. FLUX 2D-Manuel reference, Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique, ENSIEG, BP 46, 38402 St Martin d'Heres.

38. George A., Lui J. W., Computer solution of large sparce positive definite systems, Prentice Hall, Serie in Computational Mathematics.

39. Hermeline F., Triangulation automatique d'un polyedre en dimension N, Rairo Analyse Numerique, 16, n° 3 (1982).

40. Jacobs D. A. H., Generalization of the conjugate gradient method for solving nonsymmetric and complex systems of algebraic equations, Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead, Surrey, 1980.

41. Lewis J. G., Pool W. G., Ordering algorithms applied to sparce matrices in electrical power problems, Jr. Electric Power Problems: the Mathematical Challenge, Erisman, Neves, Dwarakanath Eds., 1980.

42. Lawther D. A., Silvester P. P. et al., Ruthless: a general purpose finite element post-processor, INTERMAG, 1981.

43. Manteuffel T. A., The shifted incomplete Cholesky factorisation, Applied Mathematics Division, Sandia Laboratories, Livermore, SAND78-8226, 1978.

44. Mantyla, Sulonen, A solid modeler with Euler operators, IEEE Computer Graphics and Application (Sept. 1982).

45. Masse Ph., Modelling of continuous media methodology and computer aided design of finite elements programs, INTERMAG Conf. Hamburg, IEEE Trans. MAG (1984).

46. Meijerink J. A., Van Der Vorst H. A., An iterative solution method for linear systems of which the coefficient matrix is a symmetric M matrix, Mathematics of Computation, 31, n° 137 (January 1977).

47. National Bureau of Standards, A technical briefing on the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES), NBSIR81, § 2297, Juillet 1981.

48. Polak, De Beer et al., MAGGY 2 and PADDY program packages for two and three dimensional magnetostatic problems, Conf. COMPUMAG, Grenoble, 1978.

49. Poncet A., Autour de 1 ecriture d'un code d'elements finis. These Doctorat es Sciences Mathematiques, Grenoble, 1979.

50. Rose C, COLIBRI: un mailleur tridimensionnel. Note interne EDF HI3570-02, 1982.

51. Silvester P., Magnet 78-User's manual, Mac Gill University, Montreal, 1978.

52. Simkin J., Trowbridge C. W., Three dimensional computer program (TOSCA) for non linear static electromagnetic fields, Rutherford Laboratory, Owon UK.

53. SUPERTAB, SUPERTAB: SDRC I-DEAS, level 2, General Electric, CAE International Inc., 1984.

54. Theron M., L'algebre des solides et la CFAO en mecanique - un exemple: le systeme EUCLID, MICAD84, Hermes, 1984.


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